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How to Fix Blurry Images on Blogger: A Complete Guide

Blogging has become a popular way for individuals and businesses to share information and engage with their audience. One of the common challenges faced by bloggers is dealing with blurry images on their websites. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the causes of blurry images on Blogger and provide actionable steps to fix this issue.



Blurry images can significantly impact the user experience on your blog. When you upload images to Blogger, they might lose their sharpness due to automatic resizing and compression. Fear not! We’ll explore two methods to ensure your blog images remain clear and crisp.

Understanding the Causes of Blurry Images

Blurriness in images can stem from various factors, including:


When images are compressed excessively to reduce file size, they may lose detail and appear blurry.

Incorrect Image Size

Using images with dimensions that do not match the display size on the blog can result in distortion and blurriness.

Poor Image Quality

Images that are of low resolution or taken with low-quality cameras may appear blurry, especially when enlarged or displayed on high-resolution screens.

Method 1: Set Images to Original Quality on Blogger

  1. Log in to Blogger: Visit and log in to your blog dashboard.
  2. Open the Relevant Post: Navigate to the post where you’re facing the blurry image issue.
  3. Click on the Image: Within the post editor, click on the image that appears blurry.
  4. Choose Original Size: Just below the image, you’ll see options like Small, Large, Medium, X-Large, and Original Size. Click on Original Size.
  5. Resolution Adjustment: Your image will now be resized to its original resolution, maintaining maximum quality. Note that if the resolution is very high, it may not fit within the post width.

Method 2: Change Image Quality Manually

  1. Access Blogger Dashboard: Log in to your Blogger Dashboard again. 
  2. Switch to HTML View: Open the relevant post and switch to HTML view by clicking the HTML button below the post title.
  3. Locate the Image URL: Find the URL of the image you want to fix. It’s usually within the <img> HTML tag.
  4. Identify the Quality Attribute: In the image URL, you’ll see something like s320. This attribute sets the image quality. The number after s represents the width (or resolution) of the image.
  5. Adjust the Quality: Change the s attribute to s1600 to set the image to its original quality. For example:
    • Original URL:
    • Updated URL:

Testing and Verifying Fixed Images

After making adjustments to your blog's images, preview your posts and verify that the images appear clear and sharp on different devices and screen sizes.

Additional Tips for Maintaining Image Quality on Blogger

  • Regularly review and update images to ensure they meet the required quality standards.
  • Consider using responsive design techniques to optimize image display across various devices.
  • Monitor your blog's performance and user feedback to identify and address any ongoing issues with image quality.



By following these steps, you’ll ensure that your blog images remain sharp and visually appealing. Remember, maintaining image quality contributes to a positive user experience. Happy blogging!


Q1. Why do my images become blurry on Blogger?

A1. Blogger automatically resizes and compresses images upon upload, leading to loss of quality. This affects user experience.

Q2. Can I maintain image quality while using Blogger?

A2. Yes! Use the methods above to set images to original quality or adjust quality manually.

Q3. What if my image resolution is too high?

A3. If the resolution exceeds the post width, consider resizing the image proportionally.

Q4. Are there any other ways to optimize images?

A4. Yes, explore image optimization tools and plugins to enhance performance without compromising quality.

Q5. Can I fix blurry images without replacing them?

A5. In some cases, adjusting image settings and compression can improve image quality without replacing the images entirely. 

Q6. What should I do if blurry images persist despite my efforts? 

A6. If blurry images continue to be an issue, consider seeking assistance from web development professionals or Blogger support resources.

How to Fix Blurry Images on Blogger: A Complete Guide How to Fix Blurry Images on Blogger: A Complete Guide Reviewed by Zeba on February 15, 2024 Rating: 5

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